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Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Best Information on handheld gps units

GPS Rating that Fill in the Many Blanks that We Are Faced With

By Muna wa Wanjiru

You will find many different types of gps devices in the world. To find how good these are you should look for the gps rating that is given. You can find these rating values on the internet from previous customers. Additionally there are organizations who rate the performance aspects of different goods and products. These organizations seem to act as watchdogs for consumer rights.

From the information that you can get from all of these groups you should be able to find a gps device that is worth the money you are paying for it. The gps rating should cover all of the features and functions that are found in the gps system you are looking into buying. From this information you can decide which system is better.

You will also gain an idea of how to choose a good gps system from the hype that is currently surrounding these devices. As you look at the gps rating system make sure that you have selected one which covers those aspects and features that are important to you.

Another way that you can find out a gps rating is from some of the reviews that are given on the internet. With these information based reviews the various features are discussed in depth. You will be advised about the good points and the bad points which can be seen with any type of gps system.

From this information you have a good opportunity seeing if the price that is stated for the different gps systems is valid enough for youre buying the gps device. In the gps rating you will get to see what functions the device is capable of. The rating will also provide you with information about adding updates to your existing gps data.

You will be allowed to see how various other people regard the gps products without any of the attendant media hype. As the media coverage introduces only a small sliver of the features and price range for these products you will never know of any pitfalls. Therefore looking at how the previous customers rate the gps system will let you see and decide about the value you are paying for with a gps receiver.

As with many products that are available on the market there are benefits and drawbacks to be found. While the media will only highlight certain aspects and items in these products such as a gps system, consumer reviews and gps ratings fill in the many blanks that we are faced with.

About The Author

Muna wa Wanjiru is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on GPS for Years. For More Information on GPS Rating, Visit His Site at GPS Rating

How to capture screenshots on a TomTom GPS:
* Using your PC, create a folder named screen
* Create an empty text file (using notepad or something similar) called capture.txt
* Rename the txt file, erasing the .txt extension, so the new name will be capture
* Copy screen folder and its content in main root
* Touch the screen near the zoom in zone (+), it will create a screen capture file, complete with camera shutter sound effect
* You can view the capture, saved in \screen folder as dumpxxxx.bmp
Get a great new Explorist GPS

Acquire New Waypoints When Changing Locations. It's easy to take your GPS device for granted, so much so that you forget about its fundamental reliance on waypoints. Waypoints are saved locations, but because navigation is only relative, and your GPS device needs a fixed point to which to relate, its need for waypoints becomes obvious. So, too, does the need to help your device by giving it the time it needs to acquire accurate new waypoints when you change positions substantially, by a half-mile or more. Wait for several seconds, save the location as a waypoint, and navigate from that location.
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Write Here, Write Now: And you thought you were overloaded with information now, just wait. Hewlett Packard is working on a technology to let folks print messages in mid-air based on their location incorporating GPS technology. I find this stuff fascinating, even if no one seems to have thought of a good use for it yet. The first sentence of the article is right, though: "The kids are going to love this." in New Scientist via RCPL's Liblog]

When the ALA summer conference was in San Francisco in 1997, the SF Museum of Modern Art had a fascinating exhibit called Icons: Magnets of Meaning. I spent hours browsing through it, but one of the pieces that has always stuck in my mind was called @: Marking the Electrosphere . It talked about the meaning of that one little symbol. How it can define, place, and root you in the world, but at the same time let you be found anywhere. Integrated, widespread use of GPS is going to take this to a whole new level.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

nifty blog�I love gps tracking and have purchased some dandy stuff over the years

7:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was a wonderful article. Looking forward to more of the same.

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know everythinmg yet about my marine gps but I keep finding new things .

9:24 AM  

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